En savoir plus sur Raspberry Pi (366)

| Entre l'arrivée du premier lot de Raspberry Pi et aujourd'hui, pas moins d'un million de cartes ont été vendues. Sur le salon Embedded World...

par ale

| 3 PDF documents have as their goal to help you implement the Raspberry Pi In fact, there are many tutorials on the Internet, but they do not...

| Firmware update for OBD2-Analyser NG. OBD2 software for OBD2-Analyser NG with Bluetooth module running on PC and Raspberry Pi with Bluetooth...

| Ce qui est intéressant avec le Raspberry Pi, c'est que contrairement à la plupart des ordinateurs conventionnels, il possède un petit connec...

| As Murphy's Law says, there are two type of users: those who have lost data and those who are about to lose data.

par Lucky

| The RPi Prototyping Board is a simple board, designed to break-out the expansion signals from the Raspberry Pi board and provide additional...