ESP32 Airplane Banner

This model airplane banner shows the time and some local online weather information
A clock project of the developer of the BASIC-Interpreter ANNEX32 for the ESP8266 / ESP32 with a MAX7219 display inspired me a little.
So I went back to my late childhood, spent a couple of hours gluing a model airplane together ... added some soldering work ... used the fabulous BASIC-Interpreter ANNEX32 ... and ended up with this nice object.
The banner shows the time and some local online weather information from and sits on a thin steel rod around which the second wire for the power supply runs.
I used an ESP32 for this - an ESP8266 will do the job as well.,
The dotmatrix display is made of 8 MAX7219 modules (4+4)
Some more detailed information >HERE<
The code for the project runs in the BASIC-interpreter ANNEX32 . Find its documentation HERE.
' BANNER-CLOCK-AND-LOCAL-WEATHER-INFO ' ' ANNEX > V1.4 @ ESP32 or ESP8266 ' and a MAX7219 dot matrix module as a banner display ' ' Toggles between time and weather information ' 8*(MAX7219-8x8-dot-matrix-displays) ' ' Do not forget to set the time_zone/DST string at the config page ' e.g.for AMSTERDAM/BERLIN: CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3 ' 03/2021
'set the 1st timer to display starting with time info TO_BE_SHOWN$ = "TIME" GOSUB SET_TIMER_FOR_WEATHER_OR_TIME
'set 2nd timer to get weather info and display it each 60 seconds TIMER1 60000, GET_INET_WEATHER WAIT end '######################################################################### '#########################################################################
SET_TIMER_FOR_WEATHER_OR_TIME: '========================================================================= if TO_BE_SHOWN$ = "WEATHER" then 'Set fast refresh rate for one run of the scrolling weather message TIMER0 70, SHOW_WEATHER_RUNNING_TEXT else 'refresh the not scrolling time only once per second TIMER0 1000, SHOW_TIME endif RETURN '#########################################################################
SHOW_TIME: '========================================================================= MAXSCROLL.PRINT " " + left$(TIME$, 8) + " " MAXSCROLL.SHOW 60, BRIGHTNESS RETURN '#########################################################################
SHOW_WEATHER_RUNNING_TEXT: '========================================================================= 'SHOWS THE COMPLETE WEATHER-STRING SCROLLING and switches then back to SHOW_TIME MAXSCROLL.SCROLL BRIGHTNESS MAXSCROLL.TEXT " " + left$(TIME$, 8) + " Uhr " + WEATHER$ SCROLL_COUNT = SCROLL_COUNT + 1 if SCROLL_COUNT <= ((len(WEATHER$)+20)*7) then TO_BE_SHOWN$ = "WEATHER" else 'Back to SHOW_TIME if weather message has been scrolled complete SCROLL_COUNT = 0 TO_BE_SHOWN$ = "TIME" GOSUB SET_TIMER_FOR_WEATHER_OR_TIME endif RETURN '#########################################################################
GET_INET_WEATHER: '========================================================================= wgetasync("" + town$ + "&lang=" + language$ + "&units=" + Units$ + "&appid=" + Openweather_ID$, 80) TO_BE_SHOWN$ = "WEATHER" GOSUB SET_TIMER_FOR_WEATHER_OR_TIME RETURN '#########################################################################
MAKE_WEATHER_STRING: '========================================================================= a$ = WGETRESULT$ WEATHER$ = "" WEATHER$ = WEATHER$ + json$(a$, "weather.temp") + chr$(248) + "C " WEATHER$ = WEATHER$ + json$(a$, "weather.pressure")+ "hPa " WEATHER$ = WEATHER$ + json$(a$, "weather.humidity") + "% " WEATHER$ = WEATHER$ + json$(a$, "weather.description") WEATHER$ = WEATHER$ + " in "+ TOWN$ +" " 'convert some characters WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "é", chr$(130)) WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "è", chr$(138)) WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "à", chr$(133)) WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "ö", "oe") WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "Ö", "Oe") WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "ü", "ue") WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "Ü", "Ue") WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "ä", "ae") WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "Ä", "Ae") WEATHER$ = REPLACE$(WEATHER$, "ß", "ss") RETURN '#########################################################################
SHOW_IP: '========================================================================= WHILE wifi.status <> 3 PAUSE 500 PRINT "No Internet access" WEND OPTION.NTPSYNC MAXSCROLL.PRINT right$(WORD$(IP$,1),15)& " " MAXSCROLL.SHOW 79, BRIGHTNESS FOR i = 1 to 140 MAXSCROLL.OSCILLATE BRIGHTNESS PAUSE 60 NEXT i PAUSE 2000 RETURN '######################################################################### INIT_DISPLAY: '========================================================================= BRIGHTNESS = 0 MAXSCROLL.SETUP 8, 15 MAXSCROLL.PRINT "LET's GO!" MAXSCROLL.SHOW 64, BRIGHTNESS PAUSE 1500 RETURN '######################################################################### INIT_GET_INET_WEATHER: '========================================================================= 'Insert your appid from Openweather_ID$ = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Town$ = "Krefeld,DE" Language$ = "de" Units$ = "metric" WEATHER$ = "" RETURN '#########################################################################
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