Eprom Simulator

14 EPROM SIMULATOR B.C. Zschocke This circuit enables an EPROM-resident memory block in a microprocessor system to be worked on in a flexible and time-efficient manner, without having to remove, erase, and reprogram the EPROM every time its contents need to be changed. Ideal for the debugging stages of almost any circuit that uses an EPROM, this low-cost simulator works in conjunction with many types of personal computers. Special software for controlling the EPROM simulator is not required in most cases because the unit acts like a Centronics compatible printer. With a development system far out of their financial reach, many microproces- sor enthusiasts are forced to juggle with a number of EPROMs that contain de- bugged and tested parts of a larger pro- gram under development. The problems encountered during these and later pro- gramming stages are well-known: lost file documentation, incorrect address reloca- tion, and missing variables during the linking stages. These and oth...
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