A cardiotachymètre digital la vue d`une si grande variété de circuits intéressants dans un même numéro, votre coeur doit battre la chamade. Nous l`avions bien sûr prévu, et c`est pour cela que nous y avons inclu une étude d`un cardiatachymètre digital. C
Mr Frose has submitted an idea which could well revolutionise the viewing habits of the nation. Like many of us, he apparently has regular battles with the rest of his family over the choice of TV pro-grammes -and has decided to do something to restore harmony in the living room. After many long winter evenings spent in his attic study, pondering on the peculiar taste in programmes of others, he has come up with the following radical solu-tion. Although he is not yet ready to divulge all the details of his invention, the general principle is now free for publication.
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