W65C02 Board

Build a fully programmable 8-bit computer with W65C02 microprocessor.
On-board assembler, tiny Pascal, and text editor for Ben Eater’s board.
Not on a breadboard but with a PCB.
Features :
Not on a breadboard but with a PCB.
Features :
- W65C02 microcontroller with Nick Gammon G-Pascal ROM ;
- 32 KiB EPROM for G-Pascal ;
- 28 KiB RAM ;
- Integrated VIA 6522 ;
- I2C
- ORIC-1 compatible expansion connector ;
- Address decoding with a GAL22V10 ;
- USB serial interface with FTDI232 module ;
- Gerber file available.
- The GAL JED file is generated using the utility GALasm under linux.
- The programmer used is a XGECU - pro
- It is capable of programming E(E)PROMs, and Lattice GAL22V10Full project :
- PCB by F4GOH
- Software by Nick gammon
G-Pascal compiler, version 4.07. Written by Nick Gammon. Type H for help. : h Available actions: Delete line_number_range Insert/LOad after_line Find line_number_range /target/flags List/SAve line_number_range Replace line_number_range /target/replacement/flags RECover --- Help INFo Memory first_address last_address Assemble Compile/Syntax DEBug/Trace LIBrary Poke/Jsr/JMp RUn RESume (Actions may be abbreviated) (Flags: 'I'gnore case, 'G'lobal, 'Q'uiet) :
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