The Elektor SPY Contest!

If you are interested in espionage and security, you may like to participate in our Spy Contest! Analyze my book, find (better) answers/solutions to security questions/problems, find flaws in my devices/analyses, or propose improved solutions, and win a prize! Ex Cold Warriors are welcome!
My book "A Handbook on DIY Electronic Security and Espionage" is now available in the Elektor Store:
Any security system needs to by analyzed by a number of independent experts, to confirm its strength. I designed many secure devices and made my security analyses (all described in my book), but I need other people's help to evaluate them all. Every device I had designed is somehow related to some real-life espionage event/incident described in my book. My devices were designed to mitigate these already known traps.
So we decided to organize this CONTEST!
To participate, do the following:
1.) Read my book.
2.) Read it carefully.
3.) In case you are not sure, return to step 1 or 2.
A good spy must have an eye for every detail :)
4.) Write your report:
- answer the security related questions asked explicitly on several places in the book.
- find possible errors/flaws in any of my devices or security related analyses.
- propose better/improved solutions (always possible!). I am ready to accept good critics!
- some typos remained in the book. Some were even deliberately introduced. Find them!
- analyse whatever you want.
5.) Submit your report to until 31.12.2022.
6.) Win a prize!
1st prize: 200 EUR gift certificate
2nd prize: 100 EUR gift certificate
3rd prize: 50 EUR gift certificate
7.) Spend it in Elektor Store!
Your reports should concentrate around electronic security related issues, not exact historical events mentioned in the book. I am no historian, and I have no first-person experience in espionage. The possibility and plausibility of events (including those hypothetical), with emphasis on electronic security is what should be analysed.
Former Cold Warriors are welcome to participate. We have already received useful comments from some of them - reviews from many experts are necessary, remember?
Since my projects are mostly DIY, any contributions to my Bitcoin wallet (find the BTC addresses in the book) are welcome.
Quick slap-up work and general sloppiness have unfortunately become rife everywhere, especially in the 21st century. There is no place for this kind of mindset in electronic security engineering and espionage. They are about patience, careful analysis, about noticing every detail and anticipating many dangerous scenarios beforehand.
First step to develop a good security-aware mindset, to get into a head of a spy, and to become a good professional paranoid, is to learn to read your books carefully.
To win the contest, you will just have to read the book carefully.
Simple, isn't it?
Any security system needs to by analyzed by a number of independent experts, to confirm its strength. I designed many secure devices and made my security analyses (all described in my book), but I need other people's help to evaluate them all. Every device I had designed is somehow related to some real-life espionage event/incident described in my book. My devices were designed to mitigate these already known traps.
So we decided to organize this CONTEST!
To participate, do the following:
1.) Read my book.
2.) Read it carefully.
3.) In case you are not sure, return to step 1 or 2.
A good spy must have an eye for every detail :)
4.) Write your report:
- answer the security related questions asked explicitly on several places in the book.
- find possible errors/flaws in any of my devices or security related analyses.
- propose better/improved solutions (always possible!). I am ready to accept good critics!
- some typos remained in the book. Some were even deliberately introduced. Find them!
- analyse whatever you want.
5.) Submit your report to until 31.12.2022.
6.) Win a prize!
1st prize: 200 EUR gift certificate
2nd prize: 100 EUR gift certificate
3rd prize: 50 EUR gift certificate
7.) Spend it in Elektor Store!
Your reports should concentrate around electronic security related issues, not exact historical events mentioned in the book. I am no historian, and I have no first-person experience in espionage. The possibility and plausibility of events (including those hypothetical), with emphasis on electronic security is what should be analysed.
Former Cold Warriors are welcome to participate. We have already received useful comments from some of them - reviews from many experts are necessary, remember?
Since my projects are mostly DIY, any contributions to my Bitcoin wallet (find the BTC addresses in the book) are welcome.
Quick slap-up work and general sloppiness have unfortunately become rife everywhere, especially in the 21st century. There is no place for this kind of mindset in electronic security engineering and espionage. They are about patience, careful analysis, about noticing every detail and anticipating many dangerous scenarios beforehand.
First step to develop a good security-aware mindset, to get into a head of a spy, and to become a good professional paranoid, is to learn to read your books carefully.
To win the contest, you will just have to read the book carefully.
Simple, isn't it?
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