Securing an RC motor in case of radio loss.
Conventional radio control systems for RC models (airplanes, cars, robots, lawnmowers, etc.) do not always provide a failsafe in case of signal loss. This can lead to dangerous situations, such as the motor remaining active even when the radio turns off or disconnects. This project offers a simple and effective solution based on an ATtiny85 and an optocoupler to monitor the radio status and automatically shut down the motor in case of signal loss. A so-called safety relay will need to be adapted depending
An optocoupler captures this information, and the ATtiny85 analyzes its signal to determine if the radio connection is stable.
In case of signal loss, the safety relay is immediately deactivated.
We use a Cosmo1010 optocoupler or similar to capture the radio information.
The optocoupler's input LED is connected in place of the radio receiver's.
The optocoupler's output, collector, control radio LED cathode
The signal for pin A2 of the ATtiny
Radio LED LED D4, mirroring the radio receiver's information; I used a blue one.
Flashing radio LED: no transmitter found, radio fault.
Fixed LED: the receiver is properly connected to the transmitter.
Depending on the code and its parameters, which can be adjusted to suit your project, a so-called safety relay is controlled via PB1, pin 6 of the ATtiny.
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