Platino - Versatile Board for AVR Microcontrollers [100892 & 150555]

Arduino compatible PCB for 28-pin and 40-pin AVR microcontrollers, including UI elements like rotary encoders, pushbuttons, buzzer, 2x16, 4x16 or 4x20 LCD, and RGB LED.
Behind every great circuit there's a great PCB
V1.4 is coming soon
This updated version adds:
- a 3.3 V voltage regulator
- the possibility to exploit the second UART of 40-pin devices
- improved silk screen
- an extra power connector (screw terminal)
This new revision has a new number (150555), its revision starts at v1.4.
Platino continues on GitHub
All the files, hardware and software can be downloaded from GitHub.
Also a Board Package for the Arduino IDE is available for easy installation of Platino in Arduino.
An add-on prototyping board is now available too.
The name Platino is a playful reference to the French and German word ‘Platine’ meaning ‘circuit board’, with a slight wink at ‘Arduino’. The goal of this project was to design a PCB that would be useful for many MCU applications that may need an LCD and/or push-buttons and that can be easily programmed using WinAVR, AVR studio, BASCOM, Mikro-C or Arduino. The dimensions of the board are adapted to a standard Bopla enclosure so it is easy to finalise a project properly.
Platino supports most 28-pin and 40-pin DIP 8-bit AVR microcontrollers (ATmega8, 16, 32, 48, 88, 164, 168, 324, 328, 644 & 1284). It has extension connectors compatible with Arduino shields and when equiped with the right AVR (ATmega168 or ATmega328 for instance) it is fully compatible with Arduino programs (sketches) too. It also has extension connectors compatible with prototype boards.
Platino can easily be fitted with an LCD. Multiple format LCDs are supported: 2x16, 2x20, 4x16 and 4x20. The backlight can be controlled from software.
Platino's push-buttons (up to four) can be fitted with caps of different lengths, colour or shape, thus allowing a personalised finish. Push-button placement is flexible and it is even possible to detach a 4-key keypad.
Platino can also be fitted with up to two rotary encoders, which can be used to replace the functionality of two (or three even) pushbuttons.
Platino has room for a buzzer and a three-colour LED.
Platino also was designed to fit in a standard Bopla enclosure. Unused parts of the board may be cut off to create a smaller PCB the size of an LCD module. Mounting holes are plenty.
Platino's serial port connector is compatible with an FTDI USB/TTL adapter cable and allows programming & resetting from the Arduino IDE.
Platino is also equiped with a connector for a standard AVR programmer.
The circuit diagram, BOM & PCB files (Eagle) can be found below in a ZIP-file. Also a Powerpoint presentation is available that explains the concept in more detail.
PCB, bare, 100892-1
Component List
Resistors (5% 0.25W axial 10 mm)
R2,R3 = 47R
R13 = 100R
R1, R8, R9 = 470R
R11 = 4.7k
R4, R5, R6, R7, R10, R12 = 10k
P1 = 10k preset, horizontal
C1, C2 = 22pF, 2.5mm
C4 = 10nF, 2.5mm or 5mm
C3, C6 = 100nF, 2.5mm or 5mm
C5 = 100nF, 2.5mm
C8 = 1uF, 35V, radial, 2.5mm
C9 = 10uF, 35V, radial, 2.5mm
L1 = 10uH, axial, 10mm
D2 = 1N5817 (Schottky)
D1 = LED, RGB, 5mm (e.g. Kingbright L-154A4SURKQBxxxx)
T1 = BC547 (TO-92, use BC327 if LCD backlight current is more than 100 mA)
IC3 = 7805 (TO-220)
IC1 = DIP40 IC socket (optional)
IC2 = DIP28 IC socket (optional)
X1 = 16MHz quartz crystal, CL=18 pF, HC-49S case
BUZ1 = buzzer, 12mm diam., through-hole, 6.5mm lead pitch
S1, S2, S3, S4 = Multimec 3FTL6 push button
SW1, SW2 = Alps EC12E2424407 rotary encoder
K1 = 10-way socket, SIL, 0.1" pitch, straight
K2 = 6-pin pinheader, SIL, 0.1" pitch, straight
K3 = 6-pin (2x3) pinheader, 0.1" pitch, straight
K4, K5 = 8-way socket, SIL, 0.1" pitch, straight
K6, K7 = 6-way socket, SIL, 0.1" pitch straight
K8 = 3-pin pinheader, SIL, 0.1" pitch, straight
K9 = 16-way socket, SIL, 0.1" pitch, straight
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