Neo clock 2: NeoPixel clock with ESP8266 and minimalistic design

NeoPixel clock using NTP and a minimum of hardware.
Some infos:
A NeoPixel ring with 60 RGBW LED’s connected to an ESP8266 gives us a clock using NTP server to
get the accurate time. No external RTC needed. The time lib that is integrated in the ESP8266 core
gets the time from an NTP server and runs an internal RTC. Our hardware is reduced to the strict
minimum. Only a 74HCT125 IC is needed as logic-level shifter.
A light sensor can be used to dim the LED’s at night.
The ESP can be programmed with OTA an debugging is possible with UDP.
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All code and files on github:
A NeoPixel ring with 60 RGBW LED’s connected to an ESP8266 gives us a clock using NTP server to
get the accurate time. No external RTC needed. The time lib that is integrated in the ESP8266 core
gets the time from an NTP server and runs an internal RTC. Our hardware is reduced to the strict
minimum. Only a 74HCT125 IC is needed as logic-level shifter.
A light sensor can be used to dim the LED’s at night.
The ESP can be programmed with OTA an debugging is possible with UDP.
All infos on:
All code and files on github:
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