Simple project to memorize color sequence. The purpose of this project was to teach my son some simple electronics and SW program under Python.

I wanted to find a simple project, funny to use, to let my son practice some electronics and develop the software under Python.
This simple game is like an old "Simon" game. One led color start, then you have to press the right color button. Then another random LED will light on and the player needs to repeat the sequence from the beginning.
The first purpose was to program under Python. So, for this, I use an ESP32 with battery charger to use one LiPo cell.  
On the board of the ESP32, just 8 I/O was used. 4 for the LEDS, 4 for the buttons.
My son developed the software under Thony environment. He added the function of multiple layers (from 1 to 4). We used a simple 128*96 Oled display.

At the end, from the breakout to a more compact finishing (check the pictures), we used this game all over the holidays

Louis and Laurent