House hold item power consumption anomaly detection system

Climate changes are inventible either we have to mitigate it or adapt to it. The major contributor for climate changes is the GHG (green house gases) surprisingly the main GHG producer is Energy sector. If we can save the energy we can migrate the climate changes.
Climate changes are inventible either we have to mitigate it or adapt to it. The major contributor for climate changes is the GHG (green house gases) surprisingly the main GHG producer is Energy sector. If we can save the energy we can migrate the climate changes..
The device I am designing is house hold electric item power consumption anomaly detection. The device will capture daily house hold items power consumption during different time frames. The capture data will be using to trained an AI model, using the model we can detect anomalies in power consumption.
As an example, if house owner to forget to turn off a light or cloths iron or any other device that suppose to operate in middle of the day, the system will identify this has a n anomaly and take a necessary action to mitigate the problem.
The device I am designing is house hold electric item power consumption anomaly detection. The device will capture daily house hold items power consumption during different time frames. The capture data will be using to trained an AI model, using the model we can detect anomalies in power consumption.
As an example, if house owner to forget to turn off a light or cloths iron or any other device that suppose to operate in middle of the day, the system will identify this has a n anomaly and take a necessary action to mitigate the problem.
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