During this period of energy restriction, leaving a computer running all the time when it is not in use is not a good idea.With this project you can add extended WAKE-ON-LAN features to every file server.
The principle is quite simple, an ESP32 running as a TCP server receives commands from a remote PC to start/stop/restart the file server.
The ESP32 controls a relay whose contact is connected to the POWER SWITCH input of the motherboard.
3 LEDs are used to signal the operation of the system.
However, a push button keeps the POWERSWITCH button function.
On the file server a small software talks with the ESP32 via an USB serial UART to receive or send informations.
On the other side an IHM software written with Lazarus ( controls the board to monitor or switch ON/OFF the ESPWake. But you can write your own application with your favorite programming language.
The ESP32 controls a relay whose contact is connected to the POWER SWITCH input of the motherboard.
3 LEDs are used to signal the operation of the system.
However, a push button keeps the POWERSWITCH button function.
On the file server a small software talks with the ESP32 via an USB serial UART to receive or send informations.
On the other side an IHM software written with Lazarus ( controls the board to monitor or switch ON/OFF the ESPWake. But you can write your own application with your favorite programming language.
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