Elephant presence detection using NN based audio pattern recognition

In recent years, the continued existence of wild elephants have come under severe threat due to habitat loss along with the human-elephant conflict. The available solutions are mostly based on active mechanisms such as wearing tracking collars on the elephants and deploying electric fences. Although these solutions work up to some context, they are not sustainable solutions. Therefore, the requirement for a passive solution rise-up. The proposed solution is an elephant detection system using audio patterns
Once the presence is detected after processing the audio feed, the node indicates the presence of the elephants using a long range Sub-1GHz link to a distant receiver. The sub -1GHz runs on low data rates to extend range and to operate on low power. The distant receiver takes necessary actions to evade the elephants or reduce the speed of a train or a vehicle as a precaution to prevent a collision with an elephant. As a single detection node cannot achieve the expected results, there will be several nodes deployed in a vicinity of monitoring. Each detection node can communicate over a BLE Mesh network among each other. The single detection node consists of a Ti's multiprotocol wireless CC1352 MCU along with MAX78000.
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