Elektor Video Olympics - now voting!

Record a short video about something Elektor and maybe win a 3D printer, digital oscilloscope or one of the other prizes! Now voting!
Update December 4, 2017
The contest is closed.Update November 13, 2017
It is easy to forget when you have a lot of things on your mind. Forget whatever you want, but don’t forget to send in your video for the Elektor Video Olympics!Participate and make a chance to win a Dremel 3D Idea Builder 3D40 3D printer or a PicoScope 2208B MSO advanced 100 MHz oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, function generator, arbitrary waveform generator and protocol decoder all in one box or one of the other great prizes.
Remember, participating is easy, all you have to do is shoot a short video in which you explain, demonstrate or show something Elektor. A project you modified, an article you want to comment on, anything remotely related to Elektor is accepted as long as you remain friendly and polite.
Send in your video before December 1, 2017!
Here is a one-shot example video showing that we do not expect professional video skills, so you do not have an excuse for not participating.
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