CJ Abate (219)

| Co-creation and direct digital manufacturing is poised to revolutionize the automotive industry. Local Motors executive vice president Matth...

| Does the future of car technology lie in autonomous driving? Yes, it does. But let’s face it: it probably will take another twenty years bef...

| Self-driving vehicles are a hot topic. But few people consider one of the biggest problems with autonomous vehicle technology: it’s designed...

| Russ Garcia (CEO, Menlo Microsystems) has 30 years of experience in the electronic systems and semiconductor industries. He recently told us...

| Recent breakthroughs in automotive electronics are making travel safer, more comfortable, and increasingly efficient. For example, auto manu...

| Dans tous les secteurs, les entreprises s’appuient sur des capteurs sans fil basse consommation pour toutes sortes d’applications, depuis la...

| Selon Michael Keating (fondateur et PDG de Scoot Networks), son entreprise est en train de « construire le métro du XXIe siècle ». Il nous a...

| Les véhicules autonomes suscitent un énorme engouement. Pourtant, le public ignore souvent que l'un des problèmes majeurs de cette technolog...

| La technologie novatrice d’Aroma Bit capture les parfums sous forme numérique et vous permet de visualiser les arômes. Fondateur et PDG de l...

| The Elektor Business editorial team has been monitoring the sensors and measurement scence for the past year. In addition to reporting on ne...