martinius96 (10)

| Ce projet de surveillance du niveau d'eau consiste en une interface web centrale qui collecte et visualise les données provenant de plusieur...

| The article describes the implementation of the ESP32 microcontroller in the Water Level Monitor project, while it is programmed in the ESP-...

| Inventory article of the WiFi thermostat project. Explains the possibilities of thermostat, relay control for home heating.

| Digital potentiometer X9C103S and its use in a program with reading interrupt signals from a photoelectric sensor. Software debouncing of th...

| Watmonitor (Water level monitor) works as central web interface for storing data from sensor nodes. Data were shown to user at dashboard, gr...

| This article highlights ease of use and implementation for ESP8266 as a Webserver.

| The article is a tutorial on how to control 16 relay through Arduino microcontroller with Ethernet shield W5100.

| Article on RFID door opener with wifi connectivity, encrypted transfer, MySQL database and web interface.

| The article highlights the way in which I created control over irrigation over the internet, which works by time and weather.

| Thi article is a brief tutorial on how to integrate a development IoT board with WPA / WPA2 Enterprise networks.